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[Workshop] Sound Fusion in Confusion: The Experiment and Theory of Auditory Illusion

【Workshop】 Sound Fusion in Confusion: The Experiment and Theory of Auditory Illusion

Date & Time // 2021.6.25 (Fri.) 14:00-16:00 Conference App // Jitsi ( . Lecturer // HUA Yi-Hsin

The Workshop will be held online, and the link will be sent via email. This workshop is another extension of the content and survey of the website (, which belongs to the CREATORS project Sound Fusion in Confusion. Please go to the link ( to complete the survey before the workshop. Further research results based on the online survey will be presented in this workshop as well.

❚ 主辦單位:空總臺灣當代⽂文化實驗場 ❚ 執行單位:CREATORS 花逸芯

============ ❚ 活動說明 Topic ❚ ============


本工作坊為 CREATORS計畫「聲迷耳眩」中所架設網站 ( 及其中的聽覺實驗問卷調查之延伸。工作坊的進行會解說聽覺錯覺之原理,同時上傳音檔讓參參與者體驗錯覺案例例並發表聆聽感想。

工作坊中也會分享聽覺實驗網路問卷調查的進一步研究發現,建議工作坊參與者於參加前先完成此份聽覺實驗調查 (,可獲得更完整體驗。


Generally, we rely on visual perception in our daily lives. Most people are familiar with optical illusions, but much less with auditory illusions.

It is difficult for us to notice auditory illusions, especially when we do not have much knowledge about why they happen. Considering the limitation and fluctuation of human auditory perception, this research explores the theory and experiment of auditory illusions.

This workshop will take place online, due to the pandemic. Please prepare your headphones. During this event, the theory of auditory illusions will be explained and there will be audio files uploaded for participants to listen to and express their thoughts. Further research results based on the online survey will be presented in this workshop as well.


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